It’s no longer nature… it’s art


It’s no longer nature … it’s art: Constructions of a Landscape, an exhibition which took place at ADA – artistic dynamic association, on Wattgasse 16, 1160 Wien, curated by Christopher Wittine & Simona Reisch within the Foto Wien festival, has ended. The photos remain.


Martina Anguis
Ana Kučan
Claudia Rohrauer
Simona Reisch
Christopher Wittine

L’espace infini 2 / 10
Photographs from the series of L’espace infini have been taken at Versaiiles in 2015. They have been included in the Festival of photography Maribor, 2019 as a solo exhibition by the curator of the festival Vasja Nagy-Hofbauer. The selection in large format has been exhibited at the Small Gallery of Cankarjev dom in Ljubljana in January 2020, for which Nagy-Hofbauer has written: ” A special combinaion of serenity, silence, spatial infinity accentuated by recurrent elements and of vision-blurring fog that renders the background indistinctive create a tension of the dichotomy between the real and the dreamlike, halucinatory. these scenes could just as well been fictional. The dramatic atmosphere is both intimate and alineated, pleasant and menacing, much the same as Freud’s das Uncheimliche. Whereas fixed through halted time, the locus becomes dislocated and the direct connections to a concrete location interrupted due to non-identifiability of wider surroundings.”

Seeing these precise man-made structures, all this magnificent, all-encompassing order devoured by fog, made me think about how fragile the illusion of human control over nature is. In this dreamy atmosphere, a kind of deep experience of solitude came to the fore as a universal experience of contemporary human being. This is what I aspired to capture with the camera.